
Matures in an average of 58 days. Roots are nearly globe shaped, 2.5 to 3 inches in diameter with smooth skin. Blood red color with virtually no zoning. Solid good keeping root. Medium green tops with tinges of red. Resistant to Downy Mildew.

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Beetroot-M55  Beetroot matures in an average of 58 days. Roots are nearly globe shaped, 2.5 to 3 inches in diameter with smooth skin. Blood red color with virtually no zoning. Solid good keeping root. Medium green tops with tinges of red. Resistant to Downy Mildew.

Maturity: 58-60 Days
Fruit Colour: Medium green tops with tinges of red. Inside blood red colour with virtually no zoning.
Disease Tolerance: Resistant to downy mildew
Remarks: Roots are nearly globe shaped, 2.5-3 inches in diameter with smooth skin. Recommended: India

Additional information

Weight 10 g

58 days


Medium green tops with tinges of red. inside Blood red color with virtually no zoning.


Resistant to Downy Mildew


Roots are nearly globe shaped, 2.5 to 3 inches in diameter with smooth skin.